Published 22.01.2025.   |  Nina Sauerborn

Protests in Serbia are still in full swing!
The Centre for Peace, Nonviolence and Human Rights - Osijek expresses its firm and clear support to students, pupils, teachers and all citizens in Serbia, who have been fighting for justice and responsibility for months after the tragic incident with the fall of a canopy in Novi Sad. Your fight for accountability of those responsible for this disaster, as well as for transparency regarding the reconstruction work, is not only a fight for justice for the victims, but also for all those who seek change within society.
We strongly condemn the escalation of violence against students, including physical attacks on protesters, and we believe it is crucial that such attacks are not left unanswered. All citizens have the right to peaceful assembly and free expression of their opinions and views. These are the demands of pluralism and tolerance, without which there is no democratic society.
The solidarity you have built among students, professors, pupils and the entire society in Serbia, as well as international support, are a clear confirmation that the fight for human rights and freedoms knows no borders. Your determination to continue with the blockades and protests gives hope that you will achieve the necessary changes in your society.
The decision to suspend classes in schools, as well as the growing number of institutions that join this movement, only confirms the importance and strength of your struggle.
Your courage and determination have inspired others, both in Serbia and beyond, including Croatian students in search of change.
Our support is with you, and we will continue to monitor your fight and provide support at all times. Your vote matters, your fight is justified and will not be forgotten.