Current projects
Health Literacy Education for Youth to Tackle Disinformation and Improve Well-being (Health-Lit)
Social mentoring for the Roma community of Baranja
-- Human rights
- Integration
Between law and reality: Are we safe in the health system?
-- Human rights
F.R.E.D. - Fostering Racial Equality and Diversity
-- Human rights
Woman with a Voice
-- Human rights
Development of a methodology for monitoring court processes for criminal offenses with elements of corruption and establishment of an anti-corruption network of CSOs
-- Judiciary
Monitoring of war crimes trials
-- Judiciary
National foundation for the development of civil society for the stabilization and/or development of the association
-- Human rights
- Judiciary
- Asylum
- Migrations
- Integration
- Collaborative partnerships in school education
- Peace building
Documenting the civilian contribution to the peace process: Eastern Croatia
-- Human rights
- Peace building
Community Service Without Compensation – Social (In)Justice?!
-- Human rights
- Judiciary
Free Legal Aid
-- Human rights
- Judiciary
- Peace building
New Approaches to the Memorialization
-- Human rights
- Integration
- Peace building
„Reducing the Excessive usage of pre-triaLdEtention via hArmonisation & Support to altErnatives“ („RELEASE“)
-- Human rights
- Judiciary
Learn, Engage, Act – Digital Tools to Prevent and Counter Hate Speech Online –LEAD-Online
-- Collaborative partnerships in school education
PLOUTOS - “cooPeration for achieving third country nationaLs’ financial independence thrOUgh financial liTeracy tOols and entrepreunerShip bootcamps”
-- Asylum
- Migrations
- Integration
Arguing at school Psycho- Pedagogical methods to help children ( 2 - 1 8 ) learn from arguing
-- Collaborative partnerships in school education
Be well and green when digital - BeWEEN
-- Collaborative partnerships in school education
A New Beginning - sectoral innovations for a proactive, progressive and influential civil society for the protection and promotion of human rights
-- Human rights
"Conflict as Opportunity - Nonviolent Conflict Transformation"
- -
Public dialogue on the fate of the killed and missing: we remember – and you?
-- Human rights
The Peacebuilding School Project
-- Peace building
"Krunoslav Sukić" Peace Award
-- Peace building
All projects