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In light of recent events in Osijek, the fire that has deeply affected the local community, jeopardizing the health and well-being of citizens, leaving them in a state of uncertainty and fear for the future, the Civic Platform of Osijek Civil Society Organizations and Activists "Osijek Is Burning" has been initiated.

The fire that engulfed everything in its path not only potentially released hazardous compounds into the air, left a mark on the land and water, but also raised numerous questions about society's preparedness to face such crisis situations, as well as our maturity and readiness for uncompromisingly raising standards of ecological justice and safety.

Through this statement, the Civic Initiative raises questions and demands that not only address current issues but seek systematic changes in the way we manage our resources, transition to a green economy, adhere to ecological conditions, and respond to emergency situations.

This event is not just a local tragedy but a warning signal that highlights the imperative of transparency, responsibility of entrepreneurs in this sector, and authorities toward citizens, especially in critical situations directly affecting their well-being and safety. Our demands are not just a reflection of the current crisis but a call to action to predict, plan, and manage such situations in the future, with the well-being and safety of citizens at the forefront. In situations carrying risks to the wider community, as was the case with the fire and ecological threat in Osijek, it is imperative to seek answers and find solutions to protect us in the future, raise crisis management standards, and instill a culture of transparency, responsibility, and inclusivity in all areas of social action and decision-making.

In the following text, we present key questions to which, despite their importance, we have not yet received satisfactory answers and expect clear feedback:

In light of recent events, how can we ensure that Slavonia, Baranja, and all of Croatia are adequately prepared for similar extraordinary situations? How do we plan to engage and coordinate experts to ensure citizen safety based on quality data and evidence? Do we possess the necessary infrastructure and experts capable of providing citizens with precise information, advice, and forecasts in such crisis situations?

How do we plan to improve communication channels to ensure that citizens regularly receive accurate and timely information during crisis situations? How is two-way communication with citizens ensured so they can express their concerns, ask questions, and receive updated information during emergencies?

Is it appropriate for such facilities to be located near urban centers and populated areas? How can we ensure that private company owners adhere to strict ecological and safety standards, especially concerning the location and management of such facilities?

How can we improve the legal framework and inspection service procedures to ensure ethical and safe operations of companies, especially those with higher risks? What mechanisms can be put in place to grant citizens access to information about the ethical and safety standards of these companies?

Why have representatives of key ministries, such as the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development and the Ministry of Health, not proactively communicated and participated in managing this crisis?

What concrete steps and measures do we plan to take to enhance the protection and readiness of our emergency services, especially firefighters, who are the first line of response in crisis situations?

In this context, we present the following demands:

We demand a clear definition of the geographical extent of pollution with transparent information based on expert measurements and interpretations (possible consequences, actions based on results) to be provided to citizens.

We demand daily monitoring of air quality in all affected areas until the situation is completely remedied.

We demand that the information system improves its service to ensure that all individuals receive regular and important information until the end of the emergency situation (after the initial disaster information, all relevant information to citizens should be sent via SMS, such as new measurement results, actions to be taken, pollution forecasts based on weather conditions and wind direction, etc.). Many citizens may not have access to the internet.

Citizens should be provided with an active dialogue and a platform where they can express their concerns and ask questions in crisis situations.

Improvement of the air quality monitoring system in Osijek:

 - Existing measurement stations are located near the Drava River where pollution levels are generally lower.

 - We request that existing stations be equipped to measure all harmful compounds that can result from such incidents and that additional stationary stations be installed near the Lončarica waste dump, industrial zones, and high-traffic areas in the city.

The acquisition of mobile equipment for air quality and harmful compound analysis, to be managed by the Institute of Public Health of Osijek-Baranja County, to monitor air quality at the fire site and other parts of the city where industrial facilities are located.

The urgent development of an Action Plan for emergency situations (ecological disasters, large-scale fires, natural disasters, etc.), which includes:

 - Risk analysis (floods, storm winds, pandemics, fires, ecological disasters, earthquakes, a map of risky facilities/factories, etc.)

 - Analysis of the necessary capacities of public services (equipment, infrastructure, personnel readiness, expertise, etc.)

 - Protocols for handling each individual risk

 - Methods of citizen communication, involvement, and defining a warning, prediction, and consultation system.

Thorough revision of legislation and practices related to the oversight of risky facilities is necessary to achieve maximum safety and ecological responsibility.

We demand a comprehensive revision and modernization of the waste management system in Croatia, in line with European Union standards and practices, and oriented toward ecological safety and justice.


Udruga za zaštitu prirode i okoliša Zeleni Osijek

DKolektiv – organizacija za društveni razvoj

Centar za mir, nenasilje i ljudska prava – Osijek

Zaklada Slagalica

PRONI Centar za socijalno podučavanje

Udruga PLANTaža