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We, the undersigned representatives of civil society organizations, hereby wish to publicly react and express the sorrow and concern we feel following the brutal murder of a young student from Osijek by a police officer.

First and foremost, we express our deep condolences to Mihaela's family and their loss.

This murder and everything that has followed it have raised many unanswered questions and plunged us into a spiral of distrust and insecurity in the foundations of community protection and support.

We are deeply shaken and disturbed by the fact that our fellow citizen was killed with an official firearm handled by a police officer. The public needs to know how the police will reduce the risks and abuse of weapons in the performance of their duties.

We appeal to the relevant institutions to urgently undertake all necessary actions and transparently inform the public about the established facts, the responsibility within the system for the misclassification of the severity of the crime, as well as possible mistakes in assessing the qualifications for police service.

In this specific case, we point out the mistakes made when presenting the facts to the public regarding the downgrading of the severity of this terrible crime, which we strongly condemn. Especially since this information was provided by the Police, which, in accordance with the Protocol for Dealing with Family Violence, provides protection and support to the victim, effectively identifies the perpetrator, gathers evidence, and prosecutes the offender.

The media also play a significant role in communicating this case, and we appeal to them to report objectively, carefully, and in solidarity with the victim and her closest circle.

The fight against violence against women is important at the local level as well. We call on the City of Osijek to initiate a process of addressing this issue at the local level and creating local policies for gender equality and the fight against violence against women. We stand ready to cooperate in this process. The City of Osijek has a responsibility to ensure a safe environment for all its citizens and to actively participate in the creation of a gender-equal community. The challenges of violence against women must not be neglected and must be addressed at all levels of society. Local policies for gender equality can provide concrete guidelines and measures to reduce violence against women, support victims, and raise awareness among citizens about this important issue.

According to the statement from the Ombudswoman for Gender Equality, this year also continues to see an escalation of women being murdered by close individuals. According to statistical data kept by the Ombudswoman as part of the "Femicide Watch" comprehensive monitoring, data collection, analysis, and reporting on cases of women's murders, this is the 8th femicide case.

Faced with the alarming increase in violence against women, we rightfully ask whether the state is doing enough to protect us and address violence against women.

We wonder if this sends a clear message to victims of violence to report it or if it actually discourages them from doing so. We believe it is the latter and that it is necessary to provide urgent assistance to victims of violence and encourage them to report it before it escalates into the realm of criminal law. Victims of violence can seek help from the National Call Center for Victims of Criminal Offenses and Misdemeanors at the toll-free telephone number 116 006, as well as from civil society organizations in the respective police departments that provide support and protection to victims, as well as primary legal assistance, and to the social welfare office.

The fight against violence requires continuous work on systematic violence prevention and the education and sensitization of officials from relevant state bodies and organizations at all levels.

We call on all fellow citizens to support the fight against violence against women at the local level.