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In the past few decades, the fight against corruption has become a key topic on the international stage, driven by the need to strengthen the rule of law and transparency in public administration.

Corruption is a complex issue that requires both a multidimensional and multidisciplinary approach. It is a global phenomenon with numerous harmful consequences for states, institutions, and individuals. This has been recognized at the international level, then at the level of the European Union, and subsequently at the level of individual states.

Croatia has taken significant steps in the fight against corruption by aligning its legislation with international and European standards. However, challenges remain, particularly in strengthening judicial independence and the transparency of public institutions.

Given global trends and the recommendations of international bodies such as GRECO, Croatia must continue with reforms to ensure an effective fight against corruption and restore public trust in institutions. The judiciary must be completely independent of political influence in order to effectively conduct criminal proceedings against corruption.

The publication "Analysis of Judicial Practice for Criminal Offenses with Elements of Corruption in County Courts in Croatia" provides an overview of the phenomenon of corruption, an analysis of the legal framework for combating corruption at the international, European, and national levels, with a special focus on Croatia, as well as a review of European Union legislation in this area. Special attention is given to public opinion research on trust in institutions and an analysis of judicial practice in four county courts in Croatia.

This publication was created as part of the project "Development of a Methodology for Monitoring Judicial Proceedings for Criminal Offenses with Elements of Corruption and Establishing an Anti-Corruption Network of CSOs," funded by the Netherlands Helsinki Committee. The project is implemented within the framework of the grant Catalyst for Change: Protecting the Union Values by Supporting a Resilient, Engaged and Vocal Civil Society for the Promotion of Women’s Rights, Environmental Justice, and Anti-Corruption in Eastern and Southern Europe.

The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of the Center for Peace, Nonviolence, and Human Rights – Osijek.
