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We are happy to invite you to the 15th ceremony of the "Krunoslav Sukić" Peace Prize!

The award ceremony will take place on December 7 at noon in the foyer of the Croatian National Theater in Osijek. This significant manifestation celebrates the courage, dedication and contribution of individuals who have distinguished themselves in the promotion of peacemaking, nonviolence and human rights in the Republic of Croatia and the countries of the Western Balkans. By awarding the award, we want to highlight the visibility of consistent, creative and courageous actions of individuals in preventing violence, reducing social injustices and building a democratic society based on a culture of non-violence. We believe that celebrating and thanking for this kind of action encourages individuals to use their civic political power in favor of positive social change.

Thanks to your contribution, over the past fifteen years, the "Krunoslav Sukić" Award has become a recognizable center of gathering, celebration and inspiration. Your support not only strengthens our motivation and inspires us, but also firmly binds us together in our commitment to create a peaceful, just and inclusive society.

Join us on December 7 and support these exceptional individuals whose actions shape the future of peace and justice.