Development of a methodology for monitoring court processes for criminal offenses with elements of corruption and establishment of an anti-corruption network of CSOs

01.04.2024. - 28.02.2025.

Opis projekta

The aim of the project is to raise public awareness of the legal regulation of criminal offenses with elements of corruption, which contributes to improving the transparency of the judiciary. As part of the project, an in-depth, objective assessment of the existing legal obstacles that arise in proceedings related to criminal offenses with elements of corruption will be carried out. In addition, innovative tools will be implemented to monitor accusations, court decisions, and sentences imposed, thereby increasing transparency and trust in the justice system.

It is planned to establish independent monitoring of the work of the judiciary in order to provide citizens with timely and accurate information about criminal proceedings related to criminal acts with elements of corruption. The project will also inform citizens about the catalog of criminal offenses with elements of corruption and encourage dialogue on corruption in order to encourage the active participation of citizens in combating this problem. All these activities will contribute to building the integrity of the justice system and reducing the perception of impunity for corruption among Croatian citizens.

The expected outcomes of the project are:

Desk analysis:
Description: Determination of the catalog of criminal offenses with elements of corruption. A detailed desk analysis of criminal offenses with elements of corruption was made.
Expected results: The analysis provides a deep insight into criminal offenses with elements of corruption, considering that in the Republic of Croatia there is no formally defined list of corrupt criminal offences, thus identifying specific challenges and shortcomings in the Croatian legal system related to the fight against corruption.

Preparation of the Manual for monitoring court processes related to criminal offenses with elements of corruption: (1.4.2024–31.01.2025)
Description: Development of a manual that serves as a guideline for independent monitoring of court proceedings related to criminal offenses with elements of corruption.
Expected results: The first version of the Manual provides clear guidelines and tools for effective monitoring, facilitating the access of CSOs to information and evaluation of the work of the judiciary.

Informal Initiative of CSOs for Monitoring at the National Level: Anti-corruption network of CSOs (April 1, 2024 – December 31, 2024)
Description: An established initiative that brings together civil society organizations for joint independent monitoring of the judiciary at the national level.
Expected results: a network of CSOs that actively participates in monitoring judicial work, dialogue with relevant stakeholders and joint efforts to improve the system.

Final Conference (February 2025)
Description: A conference where the results of the project are going to be presented and a dialogue will be held with experts and the general public.
Expected results: The conference contributes to informing the general public about the state of the judiciary, encourages dialogue on corruption and promotes transparency and accountability in the judicial system.